Ingredient Origins
Grade Level: Grades 4-7
Objective: To explore the ABC World Food database while learning about some of interesting and unusual ingredients people around the world enjoy, paying specific attention to the frequent differences between an ingredient’s place of origin and the culture of the cuisine in which it is used.
Duration: 1 - 2 hours
Materials: Ingredients Tour instructions, individual access to ABC World Food for all participating students.
Food Timeline Quiz Bowl
Grade Level: Grades 4-7
Objective: To learn and share a variety of interesting food facts while familiarizing oneself with the ABC World Food database.
Duration: 1 - 2 hours
Materials: Food Timeline Quiz Bowl instructions, pen/pencil and paper or word processing capabilities, individual access to ABC World Food for all participating students.
Dinner Party
Grade Level: Grades 7-12
Objective: To introduce students to the ABC World Food database while enabling them to more deeply explore the foods of two different countries and to consider the similarities and differences among the cuisines.
Duration: 30 minutes - 2 hours
Materials: Dinner Party instructions, individual access to ABC World Food for all participating students.