ABC Maps Online

One Border Challenge

Grade Level: Grades 4-7

Objective: To learn about the countries of the world in terms of their shared borders with other countries while becoming familiar with the ABC Maps Online database.

Duration: 30 minutes - 1 hour

Materials: Border Challenge instructions; individual access to ABC Maps Online for all participating students; writing materials and paper; optional individual access to ABC World Culture.

Africa: Countries and Capitals

Grade Level: Grades 4-12

Objective: To learn the locations, names, and capital cities of the countries of Africa while becoming familiar with the ABC Maps Online database.

Duration: 1 - 2 hours

Materials: Labeled political map of Africa; printed unlabeled political map of Africa; individual access to ABC Maps Online for all participating students; pens or pencils and paper.

Asia: Countries and Capitals

Grade Level: Grades 4-12

Objective: To learn the locations, names, and capital cities of the countries of Asia while becoming familiar with the ABC Maps Online database.

Duration: 1 - 2 hours

Materials: Labeled political map of Asia; printed unlabeled political map of Asia; individual access to ABC Maps Online for all participating students; pens or pencils and paper.

Europe: Countries and Capitals

Grade Level: Grades 4-12

Objective: To learn the locations, names, and capital cities of the countries of Europe while becoming familiar with the ABC Maps Online database.

Duration: 1 - 2 hours

Materials: Labeled political map of Europe; printed unlabeled political map of Europe; individual access to ABC Maps Online for all participating students; pens or pencils and paper.

North America: Countries and Capitals

Grade Level: Grades 4-12

Objective: To learn the locations, names, and capital cities of the countries of North America while becoming familiar with the ABC Maps Online database.

Duration: 1 - 2 hours

Materials: Labeled political map of North America; printed unlabeled political map of North America; individual access to ABC Maps Online for all participating students; pens or pencils and paper.

South America: Countries and Capitals

Grade Level: Grades 4-12

Objective: To learn the locations, names, and capital cities of the countries of South America while becoming familiar with the ABC Maps Online database.

Duration: 1 - 2 hours

Materials: Labeled political map of South America; printed unlabeled political map of South America; individual access to ABC Maps Online for all participating students; pens or pencils and paper.

ABC Database Access

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To register your institution for your free, no-strings-attached access to this suite of databases through at least September 15th, please follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the following form fields. Please note that all fields are required.
  2. Upon completion, you will receive an email with your unique access url.
  3. Add your unique url to your school's website or include your unique url in an email communication to staff and students.